On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Campbell Barton <ideasma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We can upgrade python without causing too much inconvenience just be
> ensuring we document how to install the latest python.
> I thought that documenting how to build python would be enough, but it
> seems us bearded linux geeks who like to compile blender from source
> are for some reason not ok about building python.
> ok, we can include instructions for getting python testing packages too.

I'm only speaking for myself (though I *think* Dave P. would agree with me)...

The problem is not that I'm personally against compiling python for my
own use. The problem is that I'm trying to create and maintain a
distributable package for a specific linux distribution that does not
***and will not have*** python 3.2 available to normal users who don't
compile things for themselves.

I am not saying that there were not good reasons for going to 3.2, I
just wanted to clarify, at least for myself, why it's a problem.

Richard M. Shaw
Bf-committers mailing list

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