There is some annoying behavior in layer UI. Normally as *everything
else* in blender you click on a layer and it gets enabled, disabling
all others, if you want to just toggle a single layer you use the
shift modifier. This works for scene layers, armature layers, vert
selection, object selection, renderlayers, etc. But when managing
group layer visibility there is an *exception* here clicking a layer
works like if you where holding shift.. resulting in 19 clicks to
disable all other layers, multiply this by who knows how many groups,
it's a LOT of clicks. What's worst is this is apparently a feature!
why? is it so hard to press shift if you want to toggle a single
layer? This seems to me like an anti-feature based on a biased
assumption. It removes one very desired functionality just so
someone(?) doesn't have to press shift?

back to pointless clicking!

Daniel Salazar
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