Hi Peter et al,

Meshlab :: http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/

has a reasonable collada import/export facility. Mostly for the model 
and not for animations/textures etc.

GLC Player can read collada (based on http://www.glc-lib.net/) :: 

Apple OSX Quicklook can also view unrigged Collada models as well. It 
actually has support for the Transparency Tag  and passes the Collada 
Transparency Tag Test.


On 11/07/01 11:28, Campbell Barton wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> One of the first things to check if you're files are not loading in
> blender, is to check if the files load anywhere (and not just back
> into 3DS MAX).
> Find another program which has support for collada, or a collada model viewer.
> It would also be good to check if the models load in any non-autodesk 
> products.
> If they do, then try make a very simple test case which fails to load
> in blender, think cube, empty, 1-3-object scenes and report it to our
> bug tracker.
> After that you can iterate, increasing complexity each time, this way
> bugs can be solved 1 by 1 rather then being handed a complex scene
> which is too hard to debug and `doesn't work`.
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Peter Amstutz<tet...@interreality.org>  
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> My development team wants to transition from 3DS Max 2011 to Blender
>> for character modeling.  In order to do so, we need two pieces: the
>> ability to get our data out of 3DS Max and into Blender, and the
>> ability to export from Blender to Cal3D.  I've already found a Blender
>> addon that exports to Cal3D.  It needs work, but that is something I
>> can handle and doesn't involve Blender C++ code.
>> I have been trying to use Collada to transfer our characters from 3DS
>> Max to Blender, using the Autodesk-provided Collada exporter on the
>> Max side.  The data consists of meshes, materials, bones, bone weights
>> and animations.  From a cursory examination of the Collada XML file it
>> appears that all the necessary data is present in the DAE file.
>> Unfortunately, the Blender import of Collada doesn't work.  The errors
>> range from "Image not found" (caused by missing paths to textures,
>> surely not a fatal import error but nevertheless stops import in its
>> tracks) to corrupted geometry.
>> I am in a position that I can devote some time to testing / debugging
>> / development on the Blender Collada importer to handle our import
>> needs.  I also noticed there is a Google Summer of Code project to
>> improve Collada animation import.  I would like to get in touch with
>> Blender developers who can tell me about the state of Collada support
>> in Blender to find our where I should focus my attention and avoid
>> duplicate effort.  I've already checked out Blender trunk and
>> successfully compiled and run a debug build, so I am ready to go, I
>> just need some pointers on where to start.
>> - Pete
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