The current keyboard code (by jesterking I think) and upcoming 3D
mouse support (by me) both rely on the Windows RawInput API, which
only works on XP or newer. Far as I know, that is the only hard
technical reason blocking a Win2000 build.

As a fellow user of perfectly fine retro systems, I sympathize. But as
a developer, I would rather make a MacOS 8.6 version than Win2000.

> The main issue for us is having someone to be the platform maintainer.
> They will also need to do some testing and likely need to create
> patches to keep the code running on their box, as well as doing
> release builds.
> If no one steps up to do this, it will not happen.  That is the way
> Open Source works.
> --
> Stephen Swaney

Yes, what he said. In this case, patches are needed in the GHOST
layer. Just fair warning before anyone tries to just build and have it

Mike Erwin
musician, naturalist, pixel pusher, hacker extraordinaire
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