On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:31 AM, neXyon <nex...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys!
> There's a serious problem with the way how animation works in regard to
> audio. The main problem is, that the animation system pushes the output,
> so it sets the data, renders a frame, advances to next frame (setting
> the data there) and renders again and so on, this works pretty good for
> video. But it doesn't work with audio, especially as audio has a very
> high temporal resolution (48000 eg. samples per second) compared to
> video (eg 25 frames per second) and moreover for audio the output device
> pulls the data, instead of the animation system pushing it, so the other
> way round.
> I talked to Martin (Poirier) and Joshua (Leung) and even we three
> together cannot think up a nice solution for the problem, maybe some
> genious mind here on the list who is more into the animation code than I
> am has a really nice idea.
> Here are specific problems in detail:
> * Subsample Accuracy: To avoid stair steps as we currently have in
> volume animation.

Use bezier curves to plot the sound volume but I guess you have that bit
figured out having just read farther.

Why is the animation data not readable multithreaded? I could understand
writable though.
Douglas E Knapp

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