On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Tobias Oelgarte
<tobias.oelga...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Am 20.09.2011 13:35, schrieb Knapp:
>> Would it be easily possible to make actions contain actions or to have
>> a container action? Might this help? If I am understanding this
>> problem correctly it is more about display and easily working with it
>> that it is about not being able to do it with many actions. So if one
>> action was the container for many more within it, that should keep the
>> display uncluttered and easy workable. They would then be expandable
>> with the rotating triangles just like the object view. You could also
>> perhaps effect all the sub-actions by changing the parent action, in a
>> way like parenting works for objects. You could also work the NLA by
>> just referencing the parent action.
> I don't think that this would be a good solution. It would require to
> handle a new type of actions, the tools to group actions and so on. This
> wouldn't make it much easier for the user. Extending the current actions
> in a way that they can accept animation data (channels) for different
> objects at once seams to be the clearer and easier way to handle this.
> It would be consistent with the current handling of bones and also open
> the path to unify both mechanisms. Id really liked to see the
> development to go the way that bones are treated the same way as
> objects. Same editing/view in Actions (and corresponding editors), same
> depedency mechanism and so on. I doesn't make much sense to me to treat
> bones as so different from the rest, since they are essentially empties
> with additional properties.

I think your solution is better too. I also think that mine might be a
short term fix that could prove useful even after all your ideas are
perfected in the code. Being able to group things and also to hide
them is often very useful. As for tools, I think these would just be
the standard highlight, drag and drop like you would get in most file
managers. Not to much work to do, I would guess.

Douglas E Knapp

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