On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Mike S <blender...@mikes.id.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just playing with the latest build # r41746.  (built scons, gcc4.6.1 OSX
> 10.7)
> I was trying to get dynamic paint output to render on cycles. It does to
> some degree ( using the vertex colour option for the canvas on a
> subdivided plane)  I can see the correct result in the preview window
> but, if I render I only get the brush object rendered correctly and the
> canvas is black .
> See image : http://www.pasteall.org/pic/20441
> The preview I can refresh easily after scrubbing the animation by simply
> changing the preview window from Rendered to another mode and back again
> ( this would be good do automatically when the animation is stopped or
> static for a second or so rather than have to do it manually - same
> issue with fluid sims with cycles )
> However in the render window the canvas is always black. Not sure why
> this should be given the preview rendering should be the same engine as
> the final render?  Is this a bug or is dynamic paint in this mode
> (vertex) not supposed to work with Cycles?
> Cheers,
> Mike.

I had a problem a lot like this with both particles. Does it not work
yet with them?
I also had that problem when using image texture and then clicking the
first button with the little folded picture so that you can choose
preloaded images. It does not work but if you cick the file loading
button on the same line and load the pic it works. Maybe this info
will help? I have not filed a bug report on this yet, was planning to
confirm on a newer version first but if you do confirm I would like to
know so I can file the report, on the other hand I bet it is already
filed or known by now.

Douglas E Knapp

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