On Mon, 2012-01-09 at 14:30 +0100, François T. wrote:
>         I had a quick look at the code, and decided it was overly
>         simplistic and
>         wouldn't handle a lot of valid cases correctly. A mesh shared
>         between
>         two objects for example, I think would end up stored as two
>         meshes
>         rather than one with multiple links to it.
> this is too bad because AFAIK collada is well designed to support
> instances. Actually the entire design of it is based on that (or did
> collada structure change so much since I looked into it a few years
> back. 

I double checked and it does do shared meshes.. So either I'm
misremembering the problem, or was just mistaken.. I've 4 different
Collada exporters installed for testing so I might be getting their
various issues mixed up.

Sorry for any confusion..

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