On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Campbell Barton <ideasma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 9:52 AM, spatial <spat...@huf.org> wrote:
> >
> > > For the COLLADA community Blender is definitely one of the most
> > > important stakeholders to stop supporting COLLADA would make things in
> > > DCC exchange even worse.
> > I agree. Not to mention all those who co use it alongside LW , all of
> > DAZ products....etc.
> >
> > I actually tried to avoid a discussion here since a long time,
> > but topic is too important.
> >
> > First, kicking out collada from blender doesn't help anyone. None of the
> > "common" interexchange formats is that reliable / support all features.
> > To have at least a second format as a backup strategy,  if a certain
> > features arent't supported / have some unreliable results, is a "must
> > have" in every cross application enviroment.
> Its frustrating that a lot of this discussion seems to revolve around
> possible solutions for _other_ people to work on which blender
> _should_ support.
> We already tried to support collada and pretty much failed by the looks of it.

*cough* this point was poorly made.

There are of course many possible ways to write good format support
into blender, and discussing implementations is fine, its just that we
need people to invest time working on it.

To say an interchange format (like collada) is a "Must have" is all
very well, but is there evidence collada can do this?

Is anyone using collada successfully for interchange character
animations between content creation applications?
(not export to game engine but actually move mesh+rig data between
apps for further editing).

My impression is this is not well supported elsewhere. I didn't see
comments like...
-- "my animations export from Maya to C4D really well, why cant
blender do this?".

Reading this list it seems collada has real problems being overly
broad spec - to work on collada would take existing devs time away
from projects they work on to support a spec which is questionable if
we can even support well.
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