On Jan 10, 2012 8:18 AM, "Yousef Hurfoush" <ba...@msn.com> wrote:
> i think the problem isn't in the wiki or bf-extensions or a new app center
> it relies on the scripters theme selfs to submit to these repositories,
> maybe finding some one to do the missing job as a solution would be good?

Centralized repositories that allow easy seach/install tend to motivate
devs (scripters) to publish. Google chrome extension publishing is probably
a good demonstration for a more 'scripter friendly' appstore. Chrome itself
contains the tools necessary to wrap up and package an addon, making it
easy for scripters. Addons remain self contained custom-extension zip
archives even when installed, making management easier.

HOWEVER, keep in mind that centralizing an addon 'appstore', especially one
that is accessible directly within a product like blender.. creates an
increased security responsibility. Blender addons are python, and thus they
can do anything to your computer when run. Existance in a centralized
appstore tends to imply trust that is not deserved. If submissions are
open, malacious addons can be registered. Android/chrome have security
models trapping addons into sandboxes to attempt to control this potential
vulnerability. (I.e. a google chrome addon is not allowed access arbitrary
files on your computer)
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