This sounds like a cool project. Very ambitious, even after you refine
the focus to one or a few things you mentioned. But you can handle it,
right? :)

I hope by "pixel buffer" you mean FBOs, not PBuffer...

Mike Erwin
musician, naturalist, pixel pusher, hacker extraordinaire

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Michael Fox <> wrote:
> On 28/03/12 07:58, Jason Wilkins wrote:
>> The problems as I currently see them:
>> * The current view port rendering code in Blender is a mess.
> Oh yes it is more then a mess, its a nightmare, I am trying to add view
> tessellation option to the view port, and im having one hell of a hard
> time. we defiantly need an cleaning out
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