I feel like we are still miscommunicating.

It sounds like your setup is:
Stylus tip = LMB
Hold down side-button-1 + stylus tip = MMB
Hold down side-button-2 + stylus tip = RMB

In other words, you use the side buttons as _modifiers_ for the tip of
the stylus.  Holding them down changes the meaning of the tip.

Whereas my setup (and the default on Linux) is:
Stylus tip = LMB
Side-button-1 = MMB
Side-button-2 = RMB

The side buttons in this case are buttons unto themselves, they are
_not_ modifiers for the stylus tip.  All I do is click a side button,
and it acts as a mouse button click.  No need to tap the stylus tip to
the tablet at all.

Does that make sense?

So with the setup I use, MMB and RMB have no pressure sensitivity,
because they have absolutely nothing to do with the tip of the stylus
where the pressure sensitivity is.


On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Mike Erwin <significant....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The side buttons are pressure sensitive...?
> In a boolean sense, yes! But I meant once the pen makes contact with
> the tablet surface while one of the side-buttons is held down.
> Pressure = 0 while hovering.
> Mike Erwin
> musician, naturalist, pixel pusher, hacker extraordinaire
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