50/50 offtopic/related to another post </warning>

Actually, I thought it was fine, other then the odd extraneous print
here, or function param there ;) Still, neat stuff. I don't know
python, but thought your code seemed to nicely cover enough key areas
that it interested me.

I was wondering though if you caught the message here earlier about
the clang reports? After glimpsing your code, it seemed like it had
all the parts one would really need to use to parse the clang reports
for differences.

Anyways, very cool and thanks for sharing/inspiring :)

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:41 AM, Jason Wilkins
<jason.a.wilk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In preparation for SoC I have started to study how Blender uses OpenGL
> Here is a report I generated:
> http://www.pasteall.org/31251/
> Here is the script I used to generate it:
> http://www.pasteall.org/31252/python
> You need to download a full glew to run it (and edit the file paths
> inside the script).  I'm a novice python user, so please don't mind
> how primitive my code is ;)
> There are some obvious problems, the main one is that I assume each
> token belongs to exactly one opengl extension, which I do not think is
> true at all.  The other is that some tokens inside Blender mimic
> OpenGL symbols.  I think one of my first tasks will be to find those
> "fake" opengl symbols, like glMats, and rename them.
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