I don't know how to put the right words. I hope it is understandable.

Steam not only sell Software and Games, they have also free Games and 
Software like GameMaker (Not open source but still free).
In addition to the Games Steam Introduced Steam workshop, which is an 
community feature to contribute to games.
And i think that is where Blender could be relay useful.

I know you could also Download Blender by your self and use it, but i 
think it is useful to have such a thing out of one source.
I compare it a bit with the ubuntu Software-Center. You don't need to 
use it but it is easier to use.

I mean you don't have to put blender on steam but i would like to see it 
But still it is only my little opinion, i don't know if any other person 
would like to see Blender on Steam.

Jeremias Boos

Am 02.11.2012 10:32, schrieb Ton Roosendaal:
> Hi Peter,
> At a quick glance, this Greenlight system appears to me a revenue-splitting 
> funding mechanism for game makers - probably meant for closed/non-free 
> distribution of work via Steam later.
> That's all fine for indie game makers, but I wouldn't know a benefit for 
> Blender to be there. I also don't see what kind of distribution problem this 
> would solve even...
> Or do I miss something?
> -Ton-
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation   t...@blender.org    www.blender.org
> Blender Institute   Entrepotdok 57A  1018AD Amsterdam   The Netherlands
> On 1 Nov, 2012, at 13:41, Peter K.H. Gragert wrote:
>> The conditions are 'horrible', at least nothing for me.
>> 2012/11/1 Jeremias Boos <jeremias.b...@gmx.de>
>>> I Hope I am at the right place to make this suggestion.
>>> Steam has now since some Time Opened up there Platform for people and
>>> Normal Software.
>>> So has anyone considered to Send Blender to Greenligth?
>>> http://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/
>>> I think it would be a great Opportunity to distribute Blender over Steam.
>>> Sincerely
>>> Jeremias Boos
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