Great work! So have you been able to build Blender with these
libraries, does it need build system changes too or do things get
installed in the same directory structure as before?

So let's see how we can get this stuff in svn. Can we get some
feedback from Windows platform maintainers, do you all agree with the
general idea here? Does anyone want to review the scripts and setups

The question then is also still what kind of directory structure we
want to use for windows libraries. In my opinion we should just have a
lib/windows-arch-vsxxx directory for each combination we support. This
gives a minimal and simple download for users. The include directories
would be duplicated, but that's also an advantage if not all platforms
get updated to a new library version at the same time, otherwise the
build might break.


On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 6:47 AM, Chad Fraleigh <> wrote:
> After some more work, a few breaks to avoid insanity fighting with
> some of the VS and cmake configs, and a lot of hacking of the various
> build scripts/projects (the patches it has to do is a mess!), I got
> farther. Now I'm able to build all the following libs under
> VS2008/32-bit, VS2010/32-bit, VS2010+SDK7.1/32-bit, and
> VS2010+SDK7.1/64-bit:
>         boost
>         freetype
>         ilmbase
>         jpeg
>         lcms
>         llvm
>         openal
>         opencollada
>         opencolorio
>         openexr
>         openimageio
>         png
>         pthreads
>         python
>         samplerate
>         sdl
>         tiff
>         tinyxml
>         yaml
>         zlib
>         zlibwapi
> I'll try to install the 6.1 SDK soon and see if it also works for
> VS2008 x64. Unfortunately when I reinstalled my VS's, VS2012 decided
> to manifest a bug where it doesn't install any of the C header files
> (thanks M$!).. so I can't do any more testing on them at the moment.
> The builder setup (with and without source tar/zip distros):
>  (186M)
> (4.5M)
> The results of my compiles (the VS10+SDK7.1 x32 was omitted due to
> size and being mostly redundant if someone just needs the 2010
> binaries).
>  (217M)  **
>  (214M)
>  (254M)
>         ** is still uploading as of composing
> this message, so give it half an hour or so if you want that one.
> The logs for each of those builds (generated by the buildall.bat
> script) for reference:
> (275K)
>  (471K)
>  (472K)
>  (498K)
> All the old install-*.zip's have been deleted (to free up space).
> -Chad
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