Hi all, 

Since Ubuntu unity apparently uses around 64! keyboard shortcuts (and i prb 
missed some) and blender itself also is kb hungry --and-- in conflict with 
unity, Shinsuke Irie and myself have been trying to resolve this issue on 
blender's side with no luck. Irie reported this to the unity dev's and it was 
accepted as a bug 
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1108064). Because there 
is no guarantee that this will be resolved on their side (if ever) before the 
next release the only solution in my mind is to disable some of the shortcuts 
unity uses and thus let blender work as expected (ctl-alt-numpad0, alt-A, 
alt-H, alt-I, etc). The following describes what i did to make blender and 
unity "behave". 

install ccsm (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager) 
run ccsm 
in filter textbox -> enter "ubuntu" -> select "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" on the 
click on button labeled <Alt> (Key to show the HUD) 
uncheck enabled and click OK 
on the left click "Back" button 
in filter textbox -> enter "general options" -> select "General Options" on the 
click "Key Bindings" tab and click "<Contol><Primary><Alt>KP0" button (the 
Minimize Windows entry) 
uncheck enabled and click OK 
close ccsm 

Now blender shortcuts should work as expected and the impact on unity behaviour 
is minimal in my mind. 

If anybody knows of additional unity/compiz settings that interfere with 
blender please report them. 

I posted this here instead of BA because i think it might be a good idea to 
communicate this on http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ since without 
these ccsm settings blender is in effect useless on unity. 

best regards, 

Patrick Zulke 

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