On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Vicente <vicenteca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to propose a new feature: The Material "Viewport Output" Node.
> Sometimes the realtime display(in the 3D View) of a material has nothing
> to do with the final rendered material (i.e. using some kind of
> textures). In those cases could be ideal to count with a new node
> (Called "Viewport Output") so you could create a single material with 2
> different outputs, one for the render and one for the viewport.
> In my case I use Freestyle for the outlining of my models. It's
> impossible to use Freestyle in real time in the 3D viewport so I have 2
> options, don't see the outlining in the viewport or create a fake black
> border using the normal node of the material so I can see it in real
> time but then I have to deactivate it each time I want to do a render.
> So the new "Viewport Output" node would be great.
> I'm thinking also in somekind of LOD applied only to the viewport
> display and not the render result. I guess there are a lot of
> applications for this feature.
> I hope this could be of help for more people.
> Best Regards,
> Vicente

I posted the same idea last week and got no responses on the BF fun
list. I think the main devs are all very hard at work on 2.66a

Douglas E Knapp

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