Hi Brecht,

You are right, but with this change in the linker and the new behavior of 
windows 8 these crashes could be explained. With a test using this linker 
option we could narrow down the problem source to a certain field. This should 
make it easier to actually find the problem in the source.
Another way to find out would be to compile a 32 bit build of blender with VC 
2012 and see if it crashes when pressing the PKEY.


Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 02.05.2013 um 13:43 schrieb Brecht Van Lommel <brechtvanlom...@pandora.be>:

> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Jürgen Herrmann <shadow...@me.com> wrote:
>> I just had some time to read through some articles on MSDN about breaking 
>> changes in VC 2012
>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb531344.aspx
>> There is an interesting section stating the following:
>> When the new linker flag /HIGHENTROPYVA is specified, Windows 8 typically 
>> causes memory allocations to return a 64-bit address. (Prior to Windows 8, 
>> such allocations more often returned addresses that were less than 2 GB.)  
>> This may expose pointer truncation bugs in existing code. By default, this 
>> switch is on.  To disable this behavior, specify/HIGHENTROPYVA:NO.
>> Unfortunately I am on vacation right now and I am not able to try this out 
>> until Monday or Tuesday.
>> But this could probably be the cause for these strange crashes of the game 
>> engine.
>> Is anyone able to do a test?
> There could be a specific line of code that has such a bug, but in
> general Blender has been handling 64 bit addresses fine for quite some
> time now. Tracking down this crash probably still requires to debug
> the application and find the exact line where it crashes.
> Brecht.
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