Regarding dropping the current BGE.

Not being as good as competition is a stupid argument (on its own),
quite a few of blenders features aren't as good as other software.

Why not kick out the video editor because its inferior to
<most-commercial-video-editors> ?

The problem IMHO is more that the BGE is not getting much developer
attention and not likely to pick up any time soon.

While I'm not against improving interactive features for Blenders
animation system, I think this wont make for a great game-engine
(probably it just gives us handy utility to use for small demos).

Since we currently don't have so much developer interest to work in
the game-engine, I'm wondering who has the time to work on an
interactive animation system (not just get it working but make it work
really well, alpha sorting, fast add/remove objects without depsgraph
recalcs, python api's to physics world so you can react to collisions,
add ability to write own shaders, etc...).

The timing here is unfortunate too.
It's not nice for Daniel Stokes to find out the BGE will be
discontinued the day he starts working on GSOC. (BGE Level of Detail
and Bug Fixing/Polishing)
Bug-fixing a system that gets removed in a year isn't such good use of
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