>> The timing here is unfortunate too.
>> It's not nice for Daniel Stokes to find out the BGE will be
>> discontinued the day he starts working on GSOC. (BGE Level of Detail
>> and Bug Fixing/Polishing)
>> Bug-fixing a system that gets removed in a year isn't such good use of
>> resources.
> I was unaware of this and have to agree, the timing sucks. That said, I'm not 
> sure if it's a great argument for keeping the BGE as it is and integrated as 
> it is. The whole "sunk cost fallacy" comes to mind and, while I don't want to 
> be callous to Daniel Stokes, I can't see that his GSOC project will really 
> change the underlying motivations that prompted this move.

Then it may be a good argument for Daniel to make a start on
interactive-animation tools,

> There are folks on BlenderArtists talking about the large number of patches 
> contributed for BGE that never made trunk and would almost constitute a fork 
> themselves if applied (they're calling it the "HG1 build". This is a symptom 
> of the developer effort allocation problem mentioned earlier and would apply 
> as much to a GSOC project as any other large patch correct?

While this is a valid point, (as far as I know) none of these devs
have stepped up to really supporting the BGE and helping become a
They mostly submit one feature they need for their game, then become
inactive with BGE dev.

... you could argue this is catch22 - if we accepted their patches
they would become more active and submit more fixes.... but I still
think if someone really wanted to become active and take the BGE
forward they could - despite some slow patch review.

> --
> Benjamin Tolputt
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