+1 to the last 3-column layout with no headers.
Gavin H.

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 10:36 PM, David Jeske <dav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > Maybe something like this, with 2 columns:
> > http://www.pasteall.org/43817
> >
> > Not saying this is ideal, but I think trying to fit everything in
> > columns with a single title per column constraints things too much.
> >
> I think any of these non-flipping layouts would be a big improvement. The
> reason I'm going wider is to keep the common views within mouse-reach when
> menu opens "up". Below is a reachability comparison.  I think the
> difference in everyday usability would be significant. (Keeping 3d-view
> close is one of the justifications I hear for today's "flipping" menus)
> http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=55034
> As for the headers, we could just drop them. They are not a very important
> part of layout waypointing, memory, or everyday usability. They are mostly
> for new-users to get some idea what the categories are. However, if there
> isn't enough ontological correctness they confuse more than help.
> What do you/folks think about this 3 column layout? .. with no headers
> http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=55036
> It's the same as your ordering, except I put Node-Editor with the "main"
> stuff on the left because I think the compositor is as good a "main view /
> start-point" as the other things over there. (ignore the kind of nasty
> extra space below "Editor Type".. it's a byproduct of the current menu code
> and could be fixed)
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