On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 4:01 PM, Thomas Volkmann
<li...@thomasvolkmann.com> wrote:
> I only have the options that Softimage, Max or FBX-converter can export -> 
> thus
> I tried evrey possible combination with the collada importer, but no vertex
> colors (if I opened these .dae in SI or Max the colors are there).
> I even tried to go through Meshlab and go for PLY. Then I got some colors, but
> they were all messed up in green and pink.

Then something very bad happened, I checked vertex colors using...

http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/ply/ply.html See "skull.ply"

... and it looks exactly as the preview image linked.

> The 2 hours I tried all this I should have been actually working... :/

I realize this is frustrating, but also to be systematic about what you do.

Try view the PLY in another application(s) - something other then the
application you exported from which is known to have working format
if it works their - report a bug in blenders tracker, if not - the
export may be invalid.

If you can't test this in other applications you can always make a bug
report anyway- including the model and an image of how it should look
then blender devs can check on it.

> cheers,
> Thomas
>> Campbell Barton <ideasma...@gmail.com> hat am 18. Juli 2013 um 03:45
>> geschrieben:
>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 3:52 AM, Thomas Volkmann
>> <li...@thomasvolkmann.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > it's the time of the year again, when I want to use Blender for some 'real'
>> > tasks at work. And as usual I am having huge problems getting my Data into
>> > and
>> > out of Blender.
>> > Last time it was Camera animation that I couldn't get into Blender*, this
>> > time
>> > I'm using the vertex-colors when importing a mesh into Blender (from
>> > Softimage
>> > or Max).
>> > So my question:
>> > Am I doing something wrong, or is it just not supported?
>> >
>> > Again my usual plea (short version): If Blender wants to take part in
>> > professional pipelines, the data IO is crucial!
>> >
>> > cheers,
>> > Thomas
>> What formats did you test?
>> Formats that load vertex colors: Collada, PLY, X3D, VRML
>> ... probably some others too but I'm sure these ones are supported.
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