Hi Ton,

Those rules looks sensible to me too!

Perhaps force them to use a specific category? So that the user can 
find/filter out easily commercial addons, something like:

5) Clear user information
The addon should use the "Commercial services" category only.


On 07/08/2013 13:40, Ton Roosendaal wrote:
> Hi,
> Hopefully this doesn't become a huge thread - I'd mainly like to get some 
> feedback from frequent contributors.
> Some companies have contacted me about the possibility of having an add-on in 
> our releases that hook up Blender with their services. That's for example 
> Shapeways, but also render farm providers.
> Such addons would make it easier for users to submit 3d models to a 3d 
> printing service (one click submit, costs feedback, etc). Or for submitting 
> render jobs to a farm with some feedback mechanisms.
> I'm still struggling with how or if we want this... I certainly don't want to 
> open up Blender for crappy commercialization with logos, banners, etc.
> A workable proposal I formulated is below, for which I'd like some feedback.
> ------
> BF will accept add-ons in a release from commercial vendors/services under 
> the following conditions:
> 1) Compliancy
> The add-on should comply to the same quality/design rules as we do for 
> regular add-ons. That includes license compliancy, but also to not include 
> banners, logos or advertisement.
> The add-on would default be not enabled, users have to activate it themselves.
> 2) Clear user benefit
> The add-on should provide functionality to 3D artists that's useful to have 
> inside Blender. It can't be for promotional usage of non-functional features 
> (like linking to websites only, for tutorials, book stores, etc).
> 3) Developed and maintained well
> The add-on is being created and maintained by the service provider (or a 
> contracter managed by them).
> 4) Development Fund support
> The service provider signs up for Diamond Sponsor level (250 euro per month). 
> Cancelling a payment then also means we can drop the add-on. Any service 
> that's not making this profits per month with an add-on, can be considered to 
> be not interested to have such an add-on either.
> -Ton-
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Ton Roosendaal  -  t...@blender.org   -   www.blender.org
> Chairman Blender Foundation - Producer Blender Institute
> Entrepotdok 57A  -  1018AD Amsterdam  -  The Netherlands
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