
Thanks everyone for going through my ideas.
I am dividing my reply in two parts.

*** Improvements in decimate
I agree that it would not be right to disturb the generic way modifiers
are, but a decimate as a brush could be done.
Further, selective poly-reduction could be done by making vertex groups but
won't it be too cumbersome to repeat this process for vertices
in different parts of mesh?  I feel, brush could be very much handy in such
cases. Many scultping softwares like zbrush and sculptris have
such tools. ( http://www.pasteall.org/pic/68339 )

For internal symmetry detection (previous mail), I plan to use algorithms
of partial and approximate matching explained in

For mesh reduction considering color, texture and other vertex
properties (previous
mail), this paper provides extension of normal edge
collapse technique:

*** Tool-matching from other softwares
Space-bar search is very handy and it would be only wise to improve it
further rather than bringing in new competitor (too much clutter).
I understand the constant maintenance my idea requires and how it could
annoy seasoned blender users. I would love to implement
tool-matching part as an addon outside soc for people migrating from other

Harshit Mehta
Email: harshitmehta2...@gmail.com
Phone No: +918058412102
IRC nick: Harshit22
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