
My name is Álvaro Ricón. I am working on the Computer  
Engineering/Science final project, at the "Facultad d'Informàtica de  
Barcelona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)".

The project I'm conducting, with the supervision of the teacher Àlvar  
Vinacua, is entitled "GPU Morphing". The idea is to study and develop  
mesh-morphing algorithms which harnesses the power and parallelism of  
current graphic processors. As the main goal of my work I decide to  
develop a set of morphing shaders to perform this transform at  
runtime, without needing user interaction.

The mesh morphing I'm trying to get is an automatic transition between  
any pair of meshes. In order to be able to do this I would use every  
kind of shaders I need, from vertex to tessellation, even compute  
ones. In fact, I'm currently developing compute shaders to implement  
the first step: spherical parameterization.

I plan to finish my project at the end of May, and I would like to  
port all my work to Blender in the following months, at Google Summer  
of Code.

It could be a fast-computed animation tool. The vey first idea was to  
use it on videogames (Blender Game Engine?), due to its potential  
realtime computation, saving memory of useless pre-calculated  
animations for any kind of transformations the game demands, which it  
would make possible to be a lot. What do you think about about it? It  
is feasible to present as a proposal for GSoC? If it isn't, can I just  
work on implementing more shader capabilities to Blender code?

Hope you like the idea, and if you have any doubt do not hesitate to  
contact me. Thank you in advance. Best regards,

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