Thank you for your response, Sergey,

Not only the lack of tessellation shaders but probably compute ones  
too (even if OpenCL can replace them).

On the other hand, to my knowledge, Blender project wants to become  
also more useful to game developers, for this reason exists BGE (Game  
Creation in

Anyway, as you say, for applying to GSoC I need to work on a viable  
coding project. Cause of that, and because I gained experience  
developing any kind of shaders, I ask you what kind of shader related  
code Blender needs. I don't want to pick the first project that  
someone told me, if it was the case I would pick to one of the Blender  
GSoC confirmed ideas. But I want to work on shaders and I think I  
could help Blender in that sense.

Can you specify me a little bit what do you mean with "bringing it to  
a new OpenGL standards and implementing PBR in viewport are the  
project", please?

Maybe I could work on bringing geometric and tessellation capabilities  
to Blender?


Quoting Sergey Sharybin <>:

> Hi,
> There's technical issue, which is lack of tessellation shaders. They
> probably might be hooked relatively easily via GPU extension, but you might
> also be doomed to upgrading whole GLSL system to a newer spec.
> There's also a workflow problem. Personally i don't consider Blender as a
> framework or a game engine, it's mainly a 3D modelling and animation tool.
> Which means tools should be aimed to artists. In case of GLSL shaders i
> case see how viewport would benefit, but i don't see how you'll be able to
> use those morphed objects in renders.
> Thanks for your response. I would like to port my project to Blender, with
>> Animation Nodes or whatever; but there is no much time to discusse, afraid
>> so.
> If you're applying for GSoC you kind of expected to know what and how
> you're gonna to work.
>> Working on this project gave me huge experience with all kind of shaders.
>> So, do you know any shader-related issue to code on Blender?
> Bringing it to a new OpenGL standards and implementing PBR in viewport are
> the project.
>> Because if it's not possible or doesn't make sense implement my project,
>> probably I could help developing shaders or improving shader capabilities
>> of Blender.
>> I have less than a day to write my proposal and I need to know what's the
>> best.
> The best is to pick a project which you're really feel is your thing and
> not pick a project because someone else told you.
> --
> With best regards, Sergey Sharybin
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