
The docs.blender.org site will be in maintenance on Friday, February 5th
@17:00 CET for 1 hour.

Changes should be completed by @18:00 CET.

Benefits for the Changes:


   Simplify Manual docs build and delivery.

      Version switching and freezing is no longer required as it will
      switch dev and latest paths when needed during delivery.

      Will no longer require downtime.

      Easier to add new locales for build as it is determined with data
      found in svn.

      Can build and deliver from any configured svn branch.

      Added support for epub format.

   API docs no longer built and pushed by Blender developers.

   New UATEST (User Acceptance Test) environment for both Manual and API

      Enables testing of pipeline changes.

      Allows reviews with users without affecting the Production area.

   Centralized *versions.json* file usable for both Manual and API docs
   version switching menu.

   Deliver changes more frequently, on demand or in an automated
   incremental manner.

   Pipeline integration with Sentry.io for error monitoring and

Another notice will be sent once changes have been completed.



James Monteath - ja...@blender.org - www.blender.org
Blender DevOps Engineer
Bf-committers mailing list

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