
Maintenance has been completed on docs.blender.org site.


On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 6:54 PM James Monteath <ja...@blender.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> The docs.blender.org site will be in maintenance on Friday, February 5th
> @17:00 CET for 1 hour.
> Changes should be completed by @18:00 CET.
> Benefits for the Changes:
>    -
>    Simplify Manual docs build and delivery.
>    -
>       Version switching and freezing is no longer required as it will
>       switch dev and latest paths when needed during delivery.
>       -
>       Will no longer require downtime.
>       -
>       Easier to add new locales for build as it is determined with data
>       found in svn.
>       -
>       Can build and deliver from any configured svn branch.
>       -
>       Added support for epub format.
>       -
>    API docs no longer built and pushed by Blender developers.
>    -
>    New UATEST (User Acceptance Test) environment for both Manual and API
>    docs.
>    -
>       Enables testing of pipeline changes.
>       -
>       Allows reviews with users without affecting the Production area.
>       -
>    Centralized *versions.json* file usable for both Manual and API docs
>    version switching menu.
>    -
>    Deliver changes more frequently, on demand or in an automated
>    incremental manner.
>    -
>    Pipeline integration with Sentry.io for error monitoring and
>    notifications.
> Another notice will be sent once changes have been completed.
> Thanks,
> James.
> --
> James Monteath - ja...@blender.org - www.blender.org
> Blender DevOps Engineer
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