On Jul 5, 2007, at 9:10 PM, Christopher Eliot wrote:

> Hi -
> Since nobody's taken up your request to add Bibdesk to Wikipedia's  
> comparison chart of reference managing software, I'm happy to do  
> it, if someone will provide me with the correct answers. I'm not  
> sure of most of them. I've included some guesses.
> Thanks! If you don't want to do this, I can put it to the users list.

That's probably a good idea, as I don't know all the answers.
I'll CC the list.

> Chris
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 
> Comparison_of_reference_management_software
> General:
> Developer          BibDesk developers
> First public release

Wow, version 0.7b in April 2002 is the earliest I can track down…

> Latest stable version          1.3.6
> Cost (USD)          free
> Open source          yes
> License          GPL

Actually, BSD. Some of the subprograms we package are licensed  
differently, though.

> OS
> Windows          no
> Mac OS X          yes
> Linux          no
> BSD          no
> Unix          no
> Export:
> BibTeX          yes
> Endnote/Refer/BibIX          yes
> Medline
> RIS          yes
> Other
> Import:
> BibTeX          yes
> Copac 
> Endnote/Refer/BibIX          yes
> Medline
> Ovid
> PubMed
> RIS          yes
> SciFinder
> Other
> Citation styles:
> APA                              [all of these get the footnote  
> JabRef gets, that citation styles are via BibTeX]
> Chicago/Turabian
> Harvard
> Other
> Extension method
> Citation file formats:
> HTML          yes
> LaTeX          yes
> RTF          yes
> Plain text          yes
> Other
> Word processor integration:
> Microsoft Word          no
> OpenOffice.org Writer          no
> Kile/LyX          no
> Other
> Database connectivity:
> ArXiv
> CiteSeer
> IEEE Xplore
> PubMed          yes
> Other
> Password protection and network versions
> Passworded
> Networking

There is a feature for networked sharing between Bibdesk users, but I  
don't know much about it…

> User-specific permissions
> Simultaneous write access

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