If anyone's interested, I've posted a preview of what the new file UI might 
possibly look like at 
<http://homepage.mac.com/amaxwell/.Public/BibDesk.app.zip>, based on the 
current subversion source.  Warning: use at your own risk, may crash, etc.

Set your Preview Pane Display preferences to "Linked File" to show all URLs in 
the main window.  Open an editor window to see what the UI might look like.  
Constructive feedback welcome!

You can drop files/URLs on the editor view, and they'll be added to the view, 
but your data is not modified.  As soon as you close the editor window, the 
changes go away.

I implemented Christiaan's suggestions for multiple selection and keyboard 
shortcuts (delete key works).  Tab, space, and their shift variants should also 
work.  Dragging from either view works, but remote URLs aren't copied as 
weblocs yet.  You can preview web URLs, now, via the context menu.  The 
multiple selection code is a recent modification, so may be quirky.

I rewrote a lot of the view caching code, so it should be reasonably memory 
efficient even with large numbers of PDF files.  It'll definitely be faster on 
a dual processor/core system, because the thumbnail rendering is done in a 
separate thread.  The crash on quit is also fixed (Apple bug).


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