On Oct 5, 2007, at 18:06, Christopher W. MacMinn wrote:

>>> I import references into BibDesk by dragging PDF files into my
>>> BibDesk library, which prompts BibDesk to create a new, blank
>>> reference entry that I can complete.  Sometimes, though, the new
>>> reference entry BibDesk creates is not blank -- many of the fields
>>> are auto-magically completed.  This would be cool and useful if not
>>> for the fact that the information BibDesk supplies is universally  
>>> and
>>> completely incorrect
>> This is not supplied by BibDesk, but by the creator of the PDF file.
> That is interesting.  The PDF info is truly a mess more often than
> not, and seems to refer to a completely different article.  Perhaps I
> will contact the PDF authors...

It depends on the authoring software.  I think you can use pdflatex to  
set it properly, but the default settings in Acrobat Distiller are  
usually pretty weird.

>>> is there a way to disable this "feature"?
>> Sounds like you enabled a hidden preference using Terminal and
>> forgot about it.  We don't enable this by default because PDF
>> metadata is generally incorrect.
>> defaults write edu.ucsd.cs.mmccrack.bibdesk  
>> BDSKShouldUsePDFMetadata 0
> The only hidden setting I have ever changed is
> BDSKDefaultAnimationTimeInterval (which I set to 0).  An attempt to
> read the current value of the BDSKShouldUsePDFMetadata variable
> fails, as follows:
> $ defaults read edu.ucsd.cs.mmccrack.bibdesk BDSKShouldUsePDFMetadata
> The domain/default pair of (edu.ucsd.cs.mmccrack.bibdesk,
> BDSKShouldUsePDFMetadata) does not exist
> My understanding is that this means the variable is not set at all,
> and BibDesk will use a default value of 0.  I went ahead and set it
> to 0 manually using the command you suggested, and that did not solve
> the problem.
> Any other thoughts?

No, this is very peculiar, since the only way this should happen is if  
that default is set and you drop the file on the main window.  Can you  
send me a PDF (offlist) that exhibits this behavior? Also, does it  
happen if you drop a file on an editor instead of the main document  


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