starting a new thread

On Nov 3, 2007, at 4:06 PM, Adam M.Goldstein wrote:

> Next question: I do a search, and I am looking at a google scholar
> search page in the upper part of the window, and the scraped-off
> bibtex records in the bottom part. Then, I go to the next page of the
> search by selecting the "2" at the bottom of the page for page 2 of
> the search. But the BibTeX at the bottom of the window stays the same.
> How do I get the new references on page 2?

What do you mean by "BibTeX"?  I see the usual publications table and  
whatever preview I've selected.  The new references should be  
automatically loaded up, and they are in my test here.

> I notice that it takes a really long time (30 secs or so at least) to
> load up the second page; the reload arrow to the right of the url
> field is an "X" for a while. Does this reflect BibDesk's scraping
> action, and is maybe why the new references aren't appearing?

There's also a spinner in the group table.  How many results are you  
showing at once?  With 10 results per page here, the next page loads  
almost instantaneously.

> Another suggestion: Can there be web groups in the same way that there
> are Z30.50 search groups? Instead of entering a url into the field, I
> enter a search key in google scholar; then the url shows up and I pick
> up references by moving around through the pages.

Right now there's a single web group, and I don't know if this would  
be possible; I think it would require crafting the URLs for each site  
(if I understand what you're asking).  There are still some UI  
questions open on this feature, too.


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