On Dec 31, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Adam M. Goldstein wrote:

> All I find is a bunch of this, which I can't say is connected to using
> the "add pubs from clipboard" sheet:
> 12/30/07 11:09:33 PM [0x0-0xc80c8].edu.ucsd.cs.mmccrack.bibdesk[1647]
> xref table size mismatch: calculated 87; /Size = 86.

No, those are generally from file content indexing.

> Christaan's suggestion was to try different types of text---that
> doesn't make any difference; copying what is clearly plain text in
> ASCII encoding (isn't that what TeX uses---I copied something from a
> TeX-able file in Emacs) doesn't appear, nor does anything from any web
> pages or PDF files.

I just copied the body of this message from Mail and it worked.  Try  
TextEdit instead of Emacs, since we know how it handles the  
clipboard.  You could also have a dead pasteboard server, in which  
case a reboot would fix it.


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