On 2008-01-04, at 12:33 PM, Ingrid Giffin wrote:

> <snip>
>>>> The 'authors' are actually editors but that's how it came from
>>>> the Library search. If I move them to the editor field and
>>>> create a 'child' of one of the chapters, it fills in the Title
>>>> with 'Religion in republican Italy' and leaves Booktitle blank.
>>>> I can't change the Title because of the cross-reference.
>>> I have had this happen too: The parent title goes into the  
>>> crossref child's
>>> title rather than into the booktitle.
>>> Is the parent title supposed to be in its booktitle field instead?  
>>> This I
>>> suppose is logical but counterintuitive, since I think of the  
>>> title field as
>>> being the default, and only think of the overarching booktitle  
>>> when children
>>> come into play, sometimes after the fact.
>> You did search the help, right?
>> http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/manual/BibDesk%20Help_72.html
>> http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FAQ#I_don.27t_get_what_the_Cross
>> ref_field_does_.2F_I_don. 
>> 27t_think_the_way_BibDesk_handles_Crossrefs_is_very_s
>> mart._Couldn.27t_that_be_changed.3F
> Well, I actually had read that help section several times, but  
> hadn't been
> able to make sense of it. This is sort of working for me now, but  
> when title
> gets copied to booktitle in the parent item, the title field is not  
> cleared.
> Then the child item ends up with the parent title in two fields  
> also. I
> guess you have to manually clear the title field in the parent item  
> before
> creating the child.
> --Ingrid Giffin

You actually don't want to clear the title field, because if you cite  
just the book, BibTeX looks for the 'title' field rather than the  
'booktitle' field.


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