On Monday, January 07, 2008, at 03:10PM, "Adam M. Goldstein" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Jan 7, 2008, at 5:51 PM, Alexander H. Montgomery wrote:
>> I was just working with the new file view; it occurs to me that at
>> some point (not to hold up 1.3.13), it might be helpful for users to
>> be able to differentiate between the multiple attached files. For
>> example, I have articles, summaries of articles and books, and tables
>> of contents attached as PDFs. Formerly I created multiple local-url
>> fields to handle this.

Alex, do you have a lot of references with multiple attachments, or is it a 
small percentage?  I generally work with references that will have 1 or 2 
attachments at most, so I'm interested in hearing about problems from others.  
I'd also like to make sure that it's a /real/ problem before solving it :).

>> One way of doing this is by color (a la the Finder's tags). BibDesk
>> wouldn't necessarily even store the information, it might just fetch
>> and show and possibly set (as each icon's background, for instance)
>> colors from the Finder.
>It sounds like you might use this, but I personally have never been  
>quite able to get the finder's different file types and corresponding  
>color coding to work for me. 

It works for me, but I never use it.  What do you mean about file types?  I can 
see how some people might like to display the Finder label color, but we'll 
have to think about that.  I'm hoping to get the release out tonight or 
tomorrow (and likewise hoping we didn't break anything today).

>One thought that crosses my mind that is not particularly developer- 
>friendly I think is to create metadata for attached files. I have no  
>idea how that would work. So for instance one attached file could have  
>a type "TOC" or something like that.

Sounds like even more complexity, and not real likely to happen.  

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