On Jan 7, 2008, at 6:27 PM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Monday, January 07, 2008, at 03:10PM, "Adam M. Goldstein" <[EMAIL 
> > wrote:
>> On Jan 7, 2008, at 5:51 PM, Alexander H. Montgomery wrote:
>>> I was just working with the new file view; it occurs to me that at
>>> some point (not to hold up 1.3.13), it might be helpful for users to
>>> be able to differentiate between the multiple attached files. For
>>> example, I have articles, summaries of articles and books, and  
>>> tables
>>> of contents attached as PDFs. Formerly I created multiple local-url
>>> fields to handle this.
> Alex, do you have a lot of references with multiple attachments, or  
> is it a small percentage?  I generally work with references that  
> will have 1 or 2 attachments at most, so I'm interested in hearing  
> about problems from others.  I'd also like to make sure that it's a / 
> real/ problem before solving it :).
>>> One way of doing this is by color (a la the Finder's tags). BibDesk
>>> wouldn't necessarily even store the information, it might just fetch
>>> and show and possibly set (as each icon's background, for instance)
>>> colors from the Finder.
>> It sounds like you might use this, but I personally have never been
>> quite able to get the finder's different file types and corresponding
>> color coding to work for me.
> It works for me, but I never use it.  What do you mean about file  
> types?  I can see how some people might like to display the Finder  
> label color, but we'll have to think about that.  I'm hoping to get  
> the release out tonight or tomorrow (and likewise hoping we didn't  
> break anything today).

I don't mean that the feature is broken; it's just that I have never  
been able to use it the way it seems to be intended. You can color  
code your files according to label, so, for instance, once I tried to  
color code all PDFs that were readings for a class so that they would  
turn out red in various finder views; and I did this by assigning them  
a label in the finder and setting that label up so that all of its  
associated files had the red coloring. But there are only a few colors  
to use and I always had a hard time putting things in the right  
categories, so I gave up.


Adam M. Goldstein PhD MSLIS
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Iona College
web:    http://www.iona.edu/faculty/agoldstein/
tel:    (914) 637-2717
post:   Iona College
         Department of Philosophy
         715 North Avenue
         New Rochelle, NY 10801

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