
I am sorry to hear that it didn't work for you Simon. I sent a post to  
the list with my own experiences: for me it works (TexShop) without  
any problems.
I sent a message to the forum about this:

> Hi,
> I thought to add my expereiences with a workaround:
> I installed Plugsuite to take care of the InputManagers I really  
> want to keep: especially BibDesk.
> It worked when I tried it out of the box (e.g. after my first  
> install via Archive & Install). I tried it out on  an external HD- 
> Installation.
> For whatever reasons when I had to reinstall Leopard on that testbed  
> it didn't work.
> My workaround was to install an older version of BibDesk (where the  
> relevant prefpane was still around and visible in Leopard to tell  
> BibDesk inputManager which Applications to work with) and then  
> Plugsuite and – later the new Version of BibDesk.
> Kept on working. Works still (10.5.1 on a MBP C2D early 2007)
> Hope that helps,
> Rolf

BibDesk InputManager is in my own Library (~/Library/InputManagers/ 
BibDeskInputManager) and is managed by Plugsuite as it tells me in its  



Am 18.01.2008 um 17:48 schrieb Adam R. Maxwell:

> On Jan 18, 2008, at 8:22 AM, Simon Spiegel wrote:
>> let me start by saying that I know that the topic of input managers
>> has been discussed on this list, still, I'm not happy with the  
>> current
>> situation.
> I'm not happy with it either...
>> As you all know, with the introduction of Leopard, input managers  
>> have
>> been disabled due to security concerns. For me – and I know I'm not
>> alone here – this means a major loss of functionality. The ability to
>> autocomplete cite keys in every Cocoa app was one of the greatest
>> features of BibDesk IMO.
> Before the input manager, we used Services.  Before that, there was
> the cite drawer and/or copy and paste.  Both of these are still fully
> supported, and should work in Cocoa and Carbon applications.
>> Most input managers can be enabled in Leopard. There are several  
>> tools
>> for this, and IME this always works – with one exception: I can't get
>> the BibDesk input manager to work again. Although the manager is
>> enabled (with a tool called Input Managers) and I even re-enabled the
>> respective prefpane in BibDesk by hacking info.plist, autocompletion
>> doesn't work. So my question is: Has anyone been succesful in making
>> this work?
> I haven't tried it, but I know others have gotten it to work.  You've
> installed it in /Library and set permissions?  And removed it from ~/
> Library?  You might try the MacOSX-TeX list.
>> I know that the developers never liked the input manager solution too
>> much and that they prefer costum solutions for every app. In this
>> spirit I filed a feature request for directo support for BibDesk in
>> TeXShop, my favorite LaTeX editor.
> I sent the code to do this to Dick Koch and Jérome Laurens months ago
> when Leopard was released, along with a detailed description of how to
> use it (at their request).
> I sent them both a note last weekend asking if they've looked at it.
> So far, no response.  Fortunately for me, TextMate doesn't have this
> problem...
>> But I still think that BibDesk
>> loses much of its strength without the input manager. So this is my
>> plea: Please think again about re-enabling this functionality. At
>> least don't disable it if the input manager is enabled under Leopard.
> Sorry, no dice.  Input managers (ours included) cause too many weird,
> random bugs, aside from the security implications.  You've figured out
> how to get the pref pane back, and that's the only thing that was
> intentionally disabled.
> Our installation process no longer works on Leopard, since it requires
> write permission to the install directory; we'd have to use an
> installer package to install the thing now or delve into Apple's
> privileged execution stuff.
> -- 
> adam
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Rolf Schmolling M.A. Historian, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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