On Jan 18, 2008, at 8:48 AM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Jan 18, 2008, at 8:22 AM, Simon Spiegel wrote:
>> let me start by saying that I know that the topic of input managers
>> has been discussed on this list, still, I'm not happy with the  
>> current
>> situation.
>> I know that the developers never liked the input manager solution too
>> much and that they prefer costum solutions for every app. In this
>> spirit I filed a feature request for directo support for BibDesk in
>> TeXShop, my favorite LaTeX editor.
> I sent the code to do this to Dick Koch and Jérome Laurens months ago
> when Leopard was released, along with a detailed description of how to
> use it (at their request).
> I sent them both a note last weekend asking if they've looked at it.
> So far, no response.  Fortunately for me, TextMate doesn't have this
> problem...

I'm sick today so decided to try hacking this into TeXShop myself.   
Please download <http://homepage.mac.com/amaxwell/.Public/TeXShop.app.zip 
 >.  I've basically integrated the guts of the input manager into  
TeXShop, using our newer Distributed Objects API.  Barely tested, no  
warranty, use at your own risk, etc.

This is based on the source from Dick Koch's site, since their svn  
repository seems out of date.  I removed 30+ MB of QuickTime movies  
and PDF files from it so the upload was a reasonable size, which  
probably broke some help features.  Oh, it's also missing the  
Spotlight importer since it doesn't play well with my build setup.

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