On 18 Mar 2008, at 5:06 PM, P Kishor wrote:

> On 3/18/08, Christiaan Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 18 Mar 2008, at 3:26 PM, P Kishor wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I have never had good experience importing data into another program
>>> that I have exported from BibDesk. I love BibDesk for many of its
>>> capabilities and flexibility, but it just doesn't fit my workflow  
>>> for
>>> now. This, of course, is my failing, not BibDesk's. I just haven't
>>> found a good workflow. More on that in another email; for now, the
>>> BibDesk format --
>>> I exported my library, and tried to import it into Zotero, but the
>>> import just wouldn't work, not with the entire library, not with a  
>>> few
>>> records from the library, not even with one record from the library.
>> That is a problem of Zotero, as BibDesk export completely valid
>> bibtex. Have you tried export as minimal bibtex?
> yes, even minimal bibtex failed. The only thing that succeeded was
> bib2xml (MODS XML) and then into Zotero.

And have you tried turning off the template in the Files pref pane? It  
might be that they can't handle comments.

>>> Eventually I used bib2xml [1] to convert to MODS XML, and then
>>> imported that into Zotero. Of course, none of my attached (linked)
>>> files came through.
>>> I tried the same with Sente. Fortunately, Sente was able to read the
>>> BD export, but again, none of the attachments came through.
>>> When I open the .bib file, I don't see any human readable  
>>> information
>>> for my linked file. I do see uuencoded kind of binary-to-text
>>> gibberish. Here is an example --
>>> @article{Chapin_2004_aa,
>>>      Author = {Mac Chapin},
>>>      Date-Added = {2007-01-23 10:05:03 -0600},
>>>      Date-Modified = {2007-12-29 11:56:46 -0600},
>>>      Journal = {World Watch Magazine},
>>>      Local-Url = 
>>> {file://localhost/Users/punkish/Documents/BibDesk/chapin-challenge_to_conservationists.pdf
>>> },
>>>      Month = {11},
>>>      Title = {A Challenge to Conservationists},
>>>      Year = {2004},
>>>      Abstract = {As corporate and government money flow into the  
>>> three big
>>> international organizations that dominate the "world's conservation
>>> agenda," their programs have been marked  by growing conflicts of
>>> interest---and by a disturbing neglect of the   indigenous peoples
>>> whose land they are in business to protect.},
>>>      Bdsk-File-1 =
>>> Of course, the double-quotes in the Abstract give rise to Tex errors
>>> (" not allowed at top-level or some nonsense like that). Getting  
>>> back
>>> to the location of the linked file, however, I might be missing  
>>> this,
>>> but I can't see any helpful information. In the previous  
>>> generation of
>>> BD, I had the "Local-Url" which very clearly stated that the file  
>>> was
>>> at 
>>> file://localhost/Users/punkish/Documents/BibDesk/chapin-challenge_to_conservationists.pdf
>>> .
>>> Of course, now with the new way of doing things, it is actually at
>>> "~/Documents/BibDesk/Chapin/2004/A Challenge to
>>> Conservationist(aa).pdf" but I don't see that information anywhere  
>>> in
>>> the above record. Of course, it could be that gibberish, the value  
>>> of
>>> "Bdsk-File-1" but this way is too opaque for me.
>>> Perhaps this is causing neither Zotero nor Sente to figure out where
>>> the linked file is located. The Sente folks are being really nice  
>>> and
>>> are helping me with "pre-sales support" trying to figure out how to
>>> import this correctly, but I am now wondering about the logic of  
>>> such
>>> a opaque way of storing things.
>>> How do I extract from the above record the location of my linked  
>>> file?
>>> [1] http://www.scripps.edu/~cdputnam/software/bibutils/bibutils.html
>>> --
>>> Puneet Kishor http://punkish.eidesis.org/
>>> Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies http://www.nelson.wisc.edu/
>>> Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) http://www.osgeo.org/
>> These fields have been discussed on this list already several times.
>> The Bdsk-File-* fields are opaque and specific to BibDesk (though we
>> only use standard encodings and standard Cocoa and Carbon
>> functionality, nothing truly custom), so no other program will be  
>> able
>> to make sense out of it, unless they specifically add it. This allows
>> much better and reliable tracking of files, as it is not restricted  
>> to
>> the fragile relative or absolute path of the file.
> So, is there any way to re-construct the location of the linked file?
> I don't have any issues with achieving better capability through the
> use of BD-specific, Cocoa-specific encodings, as long as the encoded
> information can be decoded upon export.

In BibDesk you can get it through copy/paste and AppleScript. You can  
also automatically synchronize a text field such as Local-Url with the  
first linked file using a script hook (there is one available on the  
Wiki). From the bibtex file, there is no way to reconstruct the path.

> How does some other tool figure out where the linked file is stored?
> That is the issue here, I guess.

They need to know how it is stored (which can be figured out from the  
source of BibDesk) and actually do it.

> Many thanks for your assistance.
>> Christiaan

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