In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Christiaan Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 31 Mar 2008, at 8:59 PM, Ian Thompson wrote:
> > I am using BibDesk and LaTeX and everything is working fine except  
> > my References page is not alphabetized by last name. When I have  
> > multiple authors for a single paper, how do I input their names into  
> > the author field in Bibdesk?
> >
> > For example, If I have the two authors "M.J. Lambert, A. Bergin",  
> > how should I input their names so that that on the References page  
> > it will be alphabetized by "Lambert" and the entry will begin  
> > "Lambert M.J., Bergin A."
> >
> > I realize this is a fairly basic question, but I could not find  
> > anything about it on the FAQ page. Any help is greatly appreciated.
> >
> > -Ian
> The order of the references in the bibliography is determined by the  
> bibtex style. You don'tfind anything on the Wiki or the Help because  
> this is a bibtex question, and has nothing to do with BibDesk.

Ordering will also be screwed up if you enter the names incorrectly, so 
hopefully you're not actually entering "M.J. Lambert, A. Bergin" in 
BibDesk's editor.  You'd need "M. J. Lambert and A. Bergin" (and I think 
this is covered in BibDesk's help).


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