On Thursday, April 03, 2008, at 02:05PM, "Alexandre Papadopoulos" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I did a search for "shafi" and came up with this result you linked  
>>> to.  Double-clicking it showed crossref buttons in the editor, and  
>>> clicking one of those opened the crossref.  If you can find a case  
>>> where the @inproceedings and @proceedings parent aren't downloaded  
>>> together, let me know, since the parent entry is definitely  
>>> required for these and it's supposed to be present.
>> I tried it again and I see the crossref buttons and the crossref
>> itself as you mentioned, but I don't see the crossref entry in the
>> search results, and it's not clear how I'd import it.
>> What I tried the first time was I imported the @inproceedings item,
>> and the @proceedings item wasn't imported along with it, so I assumed
>> it hadn't been read. Apparently it has but it just needs to be carried
>> along with the import?
>OK we have the same behaviour (see my last email). The @proceedings  
>item is indeed read, but it isn't imported at the same time.

Sorry, I guess I misunderstood Mike's request.  The crossref parent is in the 
search results, but you guys are correct that it's not imported when a child is 
imported.  Importing the parent when clicking the "Import" button might be 
doable; Christiaan's more familiar with that code, so he could probably give a 
more definitive answer.  Avoiding duplicates would be tricky, though.


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