On 15 Apr 2008, at 6:18 PM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 15, 2008, at 09:06AM, "Miguel Ortiz-Lombardía" <[EMAIL 
> > wrote:
>> I was just opening, the problem appears when opening BibDesk version
>> 20080414
>> And when I do the same, opening, with BibDesk 1.3.14 there is no  
>> problem.
> The French localization of the main window's nib is very broken.  I  
> sent a message on this to the list, but it hasn't showed up yet;  
> hence the cc: to the only two people who likely care about this  
> exchange :).

Are you using the French localization? If so, please select the  
BibDesk nightly in Finder, choose Get Info, make sure Languages is  
expanded, and uncheck French.


>> No, I don't think I have that gear button. And why should look for  
>> it at
>> /Applications/BibDesk when I have BibDesk away from /Applications  
>> to my
>> Desktop?
> Check the date/time on the error messages, and make sure they're  
> from the same launch of the program.  I think it grabs the last 24  
> hrs of log info, so the LSOpenFromURLSpec error might be from a  
> previous launch.
>> My question remains: if I have put aside all my preferences, how  
>> BibDesk
>> knows about any broken linked file? It shouldn't even be aware of  
>> whether I
>> have or not any library, isn't it? Obviously is reading it from  
>> another
>> source that I'm not aware off, what could that be?
> You'll need to include the log messages here for context.  It's  
> probably not doing what you think it's doing.
> -- 
> adam

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