On 21 Apr 2008, at 7:58 PM, James Harrison wrote:

> On Apr 21, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>> We use that as the default when dragging template or tex or  
>> something.
>> We need to display something representing the dragged items. As we
>> don't know what the template does, displaying the templated output
>> could be too big and possibly too slow. So that's not a bug.
>> Christiaan
>> On 21 Apr 2008, at 6:30 PM, James Harrison wrote:
>>> I've found what appears to be a problem in the current nightly
>>> (20080420); otherwise it seems fine in light general testing and
>>> fairly heavy testing with CiteInPages.
>>> When the preferences are set to use a template for the default
>>> copying
>>> and dragging format, the text during dragging shows the cite key  
>>> in a
>>> ConTeXt style display (instead of the template) and an html
>>> representation of the full entry is dropped into the target document
>>> instead of the chosen template representation. Dragging TeX cite
>>> commands still works fine. Deleting and re-creating the template
>>> entry
>>> in the preferences does not help. Removing the plist file from the
>>> Preferences folder and re-creating the preferences for the template
>>> and drag format from scratch also does not help.
> I just mentioned the appearance of the dragged text as an aside. I see
> that it was like that before. The problem is actually the second item
> mentioned above--sorry about the lack of clarity.
> The text inserted into the target document after a "template drag"
> based on the CiteInPages inTextCitation.txt template does not
> correspond to the template. Instead it is an html representation of
> the full entry. After a bit more testing, it appears that the template
> drag mechanism is broken in the current nightly such that only the
> default html template is used as an entry drag template, no matter
> what template is chosen.
> Jim Harrison
> UVa

Thanks Jim! In fact, it's interchanging the default and alternate  
template. I have it fixed.


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