On 9 May 2008, at 10:17 AM, James Owen wrote:

>>> However, for some reason, BibDesk is no longer putting the contents
>>> of the doi: field into the Doi: field in my bibtex archive.  It
>>> used to, before 1.3.15. is there some problem with case
>>> sensitivity? If I added a "doi" field as well as a "Doi" field,
>>> would that work? It seems to know that it is a DOI, as when I paste
>>> in the DOI, a link appears in the sidebar to dx.doi.org/<DOI>.
>> I am still getting used to BD's new behavior myself, but it sounds
>> like you intend to copy the doi to a doi field, rather than (or in
>> addition to) using it as a linked file. I am not sure it with 1.3.15
>> when the change occurred, but BD, as you probably know, now handles
>> links and attached files independently of the url and doi fields.
> Yes, I realise that, but what I hadn't realised was that BibDesk
> actually deletes the URL and DOI fields if they are present in
> imported bibtex.
>> In general, the behavior seems to be that if you drop a link or doi
>> onto a record, it will be handled as an attached file, and put into
>> the attached files pane.
>> If you want the doi or url to get into the doi or url field, you
>> have to copy it there yourself.
> Actually, if the doi is present as a field in the bibtex you are
> importing, BibDesk will put it in the DOI field for you.
>> I am sure that Christiaan will not know whether to laugh or cry if I
>> haven't got this right, as I have asked many similar questions here
>> as well, which have received excellent answers.
> Having written a long email explaining the problem, I have found the
> solution, which as far I as can tell from the archives, has not been
> given previously.
> When you run the Convert script, there are options to Keep the legacy
> fields. Now if you go to
> "Default Fields Preferences" in the Preferences, there are buttons to
> set the global behaviour, which
> seems to set as Default to Remove the legacy fields. (I guess this is
> Default as I have never set it.)

This definitely has been discussed. In fact this option in the prefs  
was added as a result of such a discussion, and I've mentioned that I  
added these options in that discussion.

The setting sin the prefs allow you to choose either one of these  
- keep only the fields
- keep only the linked files/URLs
- keep both

I wonder if there should be an option to keep standard fields  
(required/optional fields) and remove others.

> I would ask strongly that if it is currently default to remove the
> legacy fields from the raw bibtex, that this
> be changed to keep them, for the reasons I gave in my previous email,
> notably interoperability with other people not using BibDesk, which
> sadly in my institute is nearly everybody, as there are few Macs.

The default behavior is *not* to remove the legacy fields. You can  
check this by launching BibDesk after removing the preferences at ~/ 
Library/Preferences/edu.ucsd.cs.mmccrack.bibdesk.plist (I just did).  
So you must have changed that setting at some point, perhaps without  
knowing what it was doing.


> The DOI field is very important to me, as I use it in html templates,
> and also it is a quick thing to drop into Spotlight to find a paper,
> which quite often it turns out I do. I have about 630 papers in my
> main database, and I am gradually throwing away all other PDFs. Often
> I find I have 3-4 duplicates, in different places. So the file linking
> is as crucial to BibDesk as it is to iTunes. Imagine having to go
> track down an MP3 file that iTunes said you had somewhere.
> The import Service, and/or the drag-and-drop import from Websites,
> the use of an aux file to select items, which can then be exported to
> make a subsidiary bibtex file, and especially the new URL handling and
> file linking in the sidebar, are all things that totally amazes
> people. My old boss took one look at me doing this, and asked how to
> get the program for his research group, and recently a colleague, who
> has just inherited a MacBook having come from Linux, put it this way :
>> "Oooh, that's very, very, very nice.
>> Nifty.
>> tee hee. You don't even have to drop the PDF onto the window - just
>> select the line in the library window
>> Oh this is going to make things *so* much easier
>> Now I need a Mac desktop for work. Sigh..."
> So BibDesk is definitely selling Macs to people in the science
> community. ;-)
> James

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