Are you sure it's giving you an error 712? I don't see any reference  
to a theFile variable in that block.


On 19 May 2008, at 8:57 AM, Mukund Rangamani wrote:

> Dear Christiaan,
> Thanks! I tried to change the script as you suggested below, and it
> works fine when I have just the Eprint filled in. However, if I try to
> update an older entry into BibDesk (one which has other fields filled
> in from Spires), I get the same 712 Error; this time the problem is
> that a variable called theFile is not defined. I must confess that I
> haven't had time to play with the applescript.
>> That should be fixed with the next nightly.
>> Or in the BibDesk Download script in the function downloadBibTeX  
>> change:
>> set newPub to make new publication with properties {BibTeX
>> string:theBibTeXString} at end of publications
>> to:
>> set newPub to make new publication at end of publication
>> set BibTeX string of newPub to theBibTeXString
>> It's possible, but I don't want to add this to the script. It adds  
>> some
>> dependencies, and not everyone would want to do it. You can easily  
>> change
>> the BibDesk Download script yourself to do it. In the function
>> downloadBibTeX, just change:
>> repeat with fieldName in {"Author", "Title", "Journal", "Volume",  
>> "Pages",
>> "Year"}
>> set fieldName to contents of fieldName
>> try
>> set value of field fieldName to ¬
>> (get value of field fieldName of newPub)
>> end try
>> end repeat
>> set value of field "Eprint" to theEprint
>> to:
>> set value of field "Eprint" to theEprint
>> repeat with fieldName in {"Author", "Title", "Journal", "Volume",  
>> "Pages",
>> "Year", "Eprint"}
>> set fieldName to contents of fieldName
>> try
>> set theValue to get value of field fieldName of newPub
>> if theValue ≠ "" then ¬
>> set value of field fieldName to theValue
>> end try
>> end repeat
> This is very useful; I will try to implement this for myself once I
> get around the previous stumbling block.
> Thanks and best wishes,
> Mukund
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