This looks like a bug in the last release that was fixed a while ago. Try a recent nightly.


On 13 Jul 2008, at 12:13 AM, Brian wrote:

I'm trying to use Greg Landweber's AppleScript to extract a BibTeX citation from MathSciNet to BibDesk v. 1.3.17. This worked (once I made some modifications to account for changed web source format on MathSciNet) until recently, but now I'm getting an error at the step

set newPublication to make new publication with properties {BibTeX string:BibTeXsource} at end of publications

Here is the error message:

"BibDesk got an error: Cannot set property of external publication."

The immediate context of the step that generates the error is

tell application "BibDesk"
    if (count of documents) = 0 then
        make new document
    end if
    tell document 1
set newPublication to make new publication with properties {BibTeX string:BibTeXsource} at end of publications

and the AppleScript Event Log pertaining to these steps is

tell application "BibDesk"
    count every document of current application
    make new publication with properties {BibTeX string:"
@book {MR1488158,
    AUTHOR = {Weyl, Hermann},
     TITLE = {The classical groups},
    SERIES = {Princeton Landmarks in Mathematics},
      NOTE = {Their invariants and representations,
              Fifteenth printing,
              Princeton Paperbacks},
 PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Princeton, NJ},
      YEAR = {1997},
     PAGES = {xiv+320},
      ISBN = {0-691-05756-7},
   MRCLASS = {01A75 (20-03 20Cxx 20Gxx 22-01)},
  MRNUMBER = {MR1488158 (98k:01049)},
        "} at end of every publication of document 1
"BibDesk got an error: Cannot set property of external publication."

Can someone tell me what's going wrong and how to fix it? Thanks in advance!

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