On 14 Jul 2008, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hamann wrote:

> Am 14.07.2008 um 00:00 schrieb Adam R. Maxwell:
>> On Jul 13, 2008, at 2:51 PM, Alex Hamann wrote:
>>> Ok, let's sort this out:
>>> I save all files in Utf-8 and have character conversion disabled. I
>>> have modified the TeX-previes style by adding
>>>     \usepackage{fontspec, xunicode}
>>>     \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Hoefler Text}
>>> and use the following path to pdflatex
>>>     /usr/texbin/xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E"
>>> So I have ajusted BibDesk's TeXpreview to my XeLaTeX handling of all
>>> LaTeX files I use.
>> Aha!  If I'd known you were using xelatex, I wouldn't have
>> suggested using inputenc :).
> Yeah, sorry for that. It just did not seem related to my original
> problem.
>>> If I run latex2rtf from command line on any Utf-8
>>> saved and XeLaTeX processed tex file I see the same kind of problems
>>> I have with the "copy as RTF" function described in my original  
>>> post.
>> You must also see it if you switch to the "Text" tab in BibDesk's
>> TeX preview pane.
> correct
>>> Using XeLaTeX is also the reason why I do not use the UTF-8 function
>>> of inputenc. And this results in the problems with latex2rtf. So the
>>> only way out of this I currently see is to abandon my XeLaTeX
>>> centered approach to TeX preview in BibDesk. I want to avoid this,
>>> though, because XeLaTeX is now the standard engine for all my TeX-
>>> related work and I want the TeX preview in BD to mirror the expected
>>> output as closely as possible.
>>> So the only culprit seems to be latex2rtf and its utf-8 handling,
>>> right?
>> Culpability aside, XeTeX and latex2rtf are not compatible.  Have
>> you tried copying from the PDF
>> preview 
>> ?--------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----------
> Switching to pdf view in the bottom preview and then marking it with
> the mouse and copying it produces the correct output when pasted in
> TextEdit. (Besides: isn't that what right clicking and selecting
> "copy pdf" should do?)

Not exactly. "Copy PDF" copies the PDF, while selecting the PDF text  
and copying copies the text (converted to RTF format).


>>> So the only culprit seems to be latex2rtf and its utf-8 handling,
>>> right?
>> Try inserting \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} inside the \iflatextortf
>> conditional in your previewtemplate.tex file.  You'd have
>> \newif\iflatextortf
>> \iflatextortf
>> \providecommand{\bysame}{\_\_\_\_\_}
>> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
>> \fi
>> This will be ignored by TeX, but it should trick latex2rtf into
>> interpreting your file as UTF-8.
>> -- 
>> adam 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -------
> This works nicely.
> Thx,
> Alex

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