Le 11 févr. 09 à 12:05, Christiaan Hofman a écrit :

>> Oops! I was convinced it had... but of course you must be right.
>> Can this be done via a script-hook attached to 'Remove File or URL'?
>> Thank you!
>> Miguel
> I don't think a remove file/URL script hook should be added. Moreover,
> I truly think that deleting the file automatically on disk whenever
> the file is removed is very wrong, and I wouldn't want to participate
> in enabling it. Note that BD has a Move To Trash contextual menu item
> for the linked files. If you want to delete the file from disk in
> AppleScript you just simply do that (e.g. using Finder).
> Christiaan

I can understand your point about such script-hook and I agree that  
the Move to Trash may be useful in a general way. However, I would  
like to make sure that when I remove a publication from the library  
the linked files are removed from the disk or at least that such  
possibility is added as an option. I understand that a file may be  
linked to other publications, which is possibly the source of your  
worries. It is not my case (unless there are unknown duplications in  
my library, which I doubt) but, could it be possible to check if this  
is the case, that is, if a file is linked to more than one publication?


Miguel Ortiz Lombardía
Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques
UMR6098 ( CNRS, U. de Provence, U. de la Méditerranée )
Case 932
163 Avenue de Luminy
13288 Marseille cedex 9
Tel : +33(0) 491 82 55 93
Fax: +33(0) 491 26 67 20
e-mail: miguel.ortiz-lombar...@afmb.univ-mrs.fr
Web: http://www.pangea.org/mol/spip.php?rubrique2

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