
I went to the archives to search for this issue, but there is no search
URL:  http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=bibdesk-users
There is a search field for source forge, of course in the upper right, but
none for just BibDesk.

Anyway, I am having trouble with error correction. Here¹s what happens:

I open my bib. The error window pops up, with many warnings about quotation
marks at ³brace depth zero.² OK, I have read that double quotation marks
need to be replace by pairs of single quotation marks for Tex. So, I double
click on an error line, and a second window opens showing the source code
for the bib. I see the problem quotation marks. I copy the cite key, go to
the database window, and find that item. I open the edit window, and replace
the double quotes with pairs of single quotes. I save the file. I close the
error window and re-open it.  The same error is still reported for the same

This is repeatable for all of the errors, including ones not involving
quotation marks. I have tried repeatedly saving the file, and quitting
BibDesk and reopening it. The same list of errors is repeated, despite my
having fixed them.


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