On 13.02.2009, at 07:06, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Sumit Narayan <sumna...@gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Not sure if anyone feels this way.
>> I usually edit the Bibtex entries for a PDF/reference once and for  
>> all. Very rarely do I have to edit it again. I was thinking if we  
>> could have an option that double clicking the entry in main grid  
>> opens the PDF in local PDF viewer (or whatever is set by the user  
>> in preferences), instead of opening the entry for editing. We  
>> could have editing option either in secondary menu, or something  
>> through command/option click.
>> Just an idea. Feel free to kick it.
> Then I'll do that ;)
> I think that this shouldn't be done because it would be unexpected
> behavior. Bibdesk is a Bibtex-editor, not a PDF-manager. Therefore on
> a double-click the bibtex-entry should be opened and be editable.
> In Papers or Yep it makes sense because I have the feeling that those
> are for managing my PDFs but Bibdesk is for editing my bib-files
> therefore the behavior it has right now is exactly right.
> Niels

I totally agree with Niels here. Why introduce another way of opening  
the attached files from the main window when there already is the  
thumbnail-based solution you mentioned? Also, how should the  
situation be handled if you have multiple files attached? Would you  
then expect all of these files to be opened? I don't think this makes  
Another minor issue (concerning a different topic): Please, when  
starting a new topic do not create your message to this mailing list  
by replying to a previous post and deleting the content. While at  
first glance that will create a new empty message directed to the  
right recipient this in fact messes up the threads. Apple Mail (and  
other mailing programs) show that your message still belongs to the  
"New group based on latex source"-thread. This is a little annoying  
when trying to organize and follow the messages. Instead, right click  
on the recipient of a previous message (which is this mailing list)  
and click on "New Message". This will make sure that the mixing-up  
won't happen.


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